Lighthouse Financial Planning, LLC (LFP) encourages all potential clients to read our ADV (Disclosure Brochure), initial and ongoing contract templates and privacy statement. 

ADV (Disclosure Brochure) Lighthouse Financial Planning, LLC (LFP), along with all registered investment advisors, must provide its ADV (Disclosure Brochure) to all of its clients at least 48 hours before they enter into any engagement agreement. Any "advisor" who does not offer you an ADV is likely operating as a salesperson and not a fiduciary registered investment advisor.
LFP's ADV/Disclosure Brochure describes LFP's services, fees, types of clients, types of investments, methods of analysis, education and business standards, other business activities, other financial industry activities or affiliations and other disclosures, and investment practices. Lighthouse’s latest Disclosure Brochure (ADV) can be found on the SEC’s website at under LFP’s CRD Number: 124762.

LFP disclosure policy includes its privacy statement. LFP treats personal information provided by clients and potential clients as confidential, according to the terms of this policy statement. Note:  Allowed disclosures are discussed in the appropriate section of Lighthouse’s engagement agreements which all clients will be given, and have to sign, prior to engaging Lighthouse’s services.

Financial Planning Engagement Agreement The Financial Planning Engagement Agreement is LFP's standard initial financial planning contract. It describes the terms of most of our initial engagements and the responsibilities of LFP and of LFP's clients.

Investment Management Engagement Agreement The Investment Management Engagement Agreement is LFP's standard contract for ongoing Asset Management.

Financial Planning Resources: Lighthouse Financial provides information and resources to help individuals organize and provide information and learn more about important financial planning topics.   

College Planning

Lighthouse Financial uses a secure online questionnaire

Value added service for Investment Management clients: Lighthouse Financial uses Docubank to provide clients with immediate access to their vital information such as medical directives and an emergency contact person. To learn more on Docubank service, check out their website:

Note: The above material is for informational purposes only. Lighthouse Financial Planning, LLC provides tax planning assistance to our clients primary in the arena of investing. We encourage all clients to work closely with their tax advisor for formal guidance. Our advice, guidance or provision of these brochures does not relieve you, our clients, or readers of this website of any possible tax penalties or taxes imposed by IRS. 



1515 Allview Drive
(Near Falls Road & Interstate 270)
Potomac, MD 20854

Phone: 301.996.7044   
Fax : 301.424.7044